Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thanks to menstrual blood stem cells treatment

Anne Meike, my daughter in early thirties, has now full control on her motor skills, speech and other functions, thanks to menstrual blood stem cells treatment. Menstrual blood is a non-controversial and renewable source of vital stem cells, which are capable of treating several life-threatening medical disorders as they have unique renewing and regenerating capability.

Parkinson's, which in simple words can be described as movement disorders, had been causing tremor, muscle rigidity, postural abnormalities, gait abnormalities and a slowing of physical movement. Physicians suggested stem cells therapy and directed us to menstrual blood storage as abundant vital stem cells can be extracted from the menstrual blood during the menstrual cycle. Stem cells menstrual blood, which is usually disposed off as unsanitary waste, can be preserved to be used to treat numerous potential cellular therapies.

Stem cells in menstrual blood of women are easily collectible. They possess the capability to improve the quality and duration of the life by treating several potential medical disorders and diseases not only in the body to which they belong, but also in the first-degree relatives, such as children and parents. In some cases, stem cells from menstrual blood also proved very useful in treating medical disorders in the body of second-degree relatives.

Stem cells from menstrual blood are collected, processed and cryo-preserved to be used in future cellular therapies. During the process of cryo-preservation, stem cells get frozen which allows them to maintain their capability and potential for years and perhaps decades to come.

Anne received stem cells injections at regular intervals with physical therapy in between, and showed instant results. Injected stem cells moved to the problematic area in the body and programmed them selves to do what the body was missing.

Following the treatment, Anne can now do anything like any other normal human being. She can now peddle a bike or walk up a flight of stairs easily.

The vital stem cells from menstrual blood can also be used for treating many other medical disorders and diseases, including breast cancer, diabetes, heart stroke, inherited metabolic disorders and the like. Consequently, stem cell technology has opened provided a much-needed boost to personal healthcare and wellness chattels.

How stem cells treated me of rheumatoid arthritis

After suffering painful disease of Rheumatoid arthritis for years, I, Sarah Elliott, last year finally decided to go for stem cells treatment. I took the decision after coming to know that stem cells are non-controversial source of regenerative powers. Moreover, stem cells treatment was the only alternative to surgery.

Rheumatoid arthritis had left me almost crippled, with painful joints, stiffness, inflammation and swelling. Loss of mobility had also started affecting my muscles, lungs, heart and blood vessels throughout my body.

During the treatment, I received inject-able stem cells which can be guided precisely to where their help is required. Subsequently, these stem cells programmed them selves to do what the body is missing.

Ever since announcement of stem cells technology, ethical groups have been in opposition of the technology, particularly embryonic stem cell technology, because it is based on the demolition of breathing human embryos. But, several studies have already proved that it is not necessary to destroy human embryos to collect stem cells as vital stem cells can be collected from non-controversial, unlimited and inexpensive source- menstrual blood, which is habitually disposed off as unsanitary waste.

The female patient can easily collect menstrual blood during her menstrual cycle. , can be preserved to be used to treat numerous potential cellular therapies. The process of collecting menstrual blood is easy; however, professional guidance is required to isolate menstrual blood, and then to process and cryo-preserve it.

First degree and, in some cases even second degree relative can get treatments for a number of medical disorders and diseases, including heart stroke, breast cancer, diabetes, inherited metabolic disorders and many more. First degree relative of a woman, such as her son, can get vital stem cells from her mother and store them in a menstrual blood bank to advantage of their regenerative powers to treat potential diseases. Moreover, stem cells are capable of keep on growing and dividing as long as the person is alive.

In my case, stem cells proved their power to heal Rheumatoid arthritis. They successfully replaced the cells that were damaged due to arthritis. Nowadays, I have move as I like and perform all my routine tasks without any problem.

The popularity of menstrual blood banking is escalating day by day as it is the easily accessible source of stem cells which have the potential to perk up the quality and duration of the life by treating quite a lot of potential diseases and disorders.

Menstrual Blood Banking with Celle

Stem cells have life saving potentiality and it is essential to preserve them to secure future health of your loved ones. Stem cells have been initially cryo-preserved from umbilical cord blood after delivery of a child. But this collection process is limited only to pregnant women. Hence Celle has introduced a new procedure to collect stem cell. Menstrual blood is a rich source of life saving stem cells which can be collected with help of a special kit. Compared to the other sources menstrual blood is a readily available source to collect stem cells.

Menstrual blood collection for stem cell preservation is an innovative procedure. Unlike cord blood collection which is restricted to only pregnant women this procedure can be carried out by each and every woman who belongs to the reproductive age group. The pleuripotent mesenchymal stem cells from menstrual blood can be harvested and preserved to treat a number of critical diseases. Celle has introduced its service from November 2007 and you should not miss this opportunity to preserve the essential stem cells from menstrual blood.

When it comes to the question of securing the health of your family members you tend to be worried. But now it is the time to act. Preserving menstrual blood is not only for securing your own future health but of your entire family. With menstrual blood banking with Celle, you can be rest assured that the stem cells collected from it will be well preserved and can be used for treating ailments. The harvested stem cells from menstrual blood can be used in either autologous procedure where it can be used for treating donor’s ailments or in allogeneic procedure where the stem cells can be used to treat siblings and close relatives.

Researches are carried out to determine the maximum time for which stem cells collected from menstrual blood can be stored and their potential use. In the future stem cells collected from menstrual blood can be used to treat a number of critical diseases like osteoporosis, spinal cord injury, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, heart diseases and stroke. With stem cells more than 75 diseases can be treated. Stem cells are already used to treat leukemia, sickle cell disease, metabolic disorder, aplastic anemia and severe combined immune deficiency diseases.

As you invest for menstrual blood banking, you are investing not only for just today but for coming years. Stem cells in menstrual blood come from the endometrium or the uterine lining and they can be preserved for different regenerative therapies. It has been seen that the characteristics of the stem cells found in menstrual blood are similar to embryonic stem cells and the ones collected from bone marrow. With help of the special kit from Celle menstrual blood can be collected and sent to the laboratories of Celle. Stem cells are harvested from the blood and cryo-preserved for future use. With payment of processing fee along with storage fee for every year you can also avail this service from Celle to secure the future and wellness of yourself and of your family members.

My son was benefitted and now I recommend

My five-year-old son Abraham was suffering from optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH), has now no problem in watching television or reading printed books, thanks to menstrual blood stem cells therapy.

Optic nerve hypoplasia, a medical disorder that causes underdevelopment of the optic nerve, had left Abraham legally blind. The optic nerve, which transmits optic signals from the retina to the brain, normally features around 1.2 million nerve fibers. But, in my son’s case, the number of nerve fibers was noticeably fewer, which was responsible for the problem.

A ray of hope emerged when I listened about the new stem cells technology. Stem cells are capability of repairing and renewing the building blocks of the body. Stem cells can be extracted from multiple sources such as a developing embryo, bone marrow and menstrual blood. While use of embryonic stem cells has triggered ethical debate, menstrual blood is easily-available and uncontroversial source of abundant stem cells.

Abraham received six infusions of medication containing stem cells, three through injections into his spinal fluids and three intravenously. In between, he also received physical therapy. Stem cells injected into the body moved to the problematic area and programmed them selves to accomplish the task what the body was missing.

Following the treatment, Abraham showed instant improvement. He can now see and read like any other normal child of his age.

Vital menstrual blood can be isolated, processed and preserved to be used to cure a broad range of medical disorders and diseases like that of spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, inherited metabolic disorders, Alzheimer’s, acute leukemia, osteoporosis, refractory anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease and diabetes. Researchers are still hard at work with a hope that one day stem cells would provide cure even for currently incurable cancers.

Patient or the first-degree relative female, such as mother of the patient, is directed to store menstrual blood, which has so far been discarded as biological, unhygienic waste. The processed and preserved menstrual blood stem cells also have the potential to generate transplantable tissues and organs in the human body. The still progressing technology could prove very useful to replace below par or damaged tissue and organs. Nowadays, donated tissues or organs are used to transplant into patients’ body, but that does not solve the purpose as the demand always outstrips supply.

Some researches have proved that to preserve menstrual blood not only benefits the donor and her first-degree relative, but also second-degree relative, such as niece and nephew.

As my son Abraham is now living a normal life, owing to the stem cells technology, I recommend the therapy to all who are also suffering the same problem.

My experience with stem cell therapy

After suffering pain in my breasts, I contacted our family doctor who told me that I was suffering from breast cancer. It was but natural for me to get depressed, but the doctor suggested that the deadly disease could be fought back using stem cells therapy.

High-dose chemotherapy with stem cells transplant is a proven healing option that already has been used for women with high-risk primary or advanced metastatic breast cancer. Thousands of women with advanced breast cancer have been successfully treated using this method since 1990s.

I had many questions about stem cells treatment and menstrual blood storage, but the doctor assured me saying menstrual blood is an easily accessible, renewable and non-controversial source of stem cells that feature proven potential to treat a host of chronic and deadly diseases, like that of leukemia, refractory anemia, osteoporosis, stroke, breast cancer and all that . Moreover, these highly prolific menstrual blood stem cells are easily obtainable using non-invasive methodology.

Normally, bone marrow is not competent to endure high doses of chemotherapy, but use of the stem cells in the treatment enables the patient to receive higher doses of chemotherapy. Doctors collect stem cells from the patient and freeze them to give inject them back into the patient body after the completion of high dose chemotherapy. But, new researches have discovered that high-dose chemotherapy combined with stem cell therapy could have the same long-standing results as conventional chemotherapy treatment.

As per some estimates, almost 30 percent of patients with advanced breast cancer are finally diagnosed with brain lesions. But, stem cells are capable of halting the metastasizing of breast cancer into the brain. Stem cells collected from the body of the patient are employed to target and deliver tumor-killing drugs that stop the disease from advancing further.

Doctors directed me to isolate menstrual blood so that stem cells could be collected to use them in the treatment. Menstrual blood stem cells are collected from the lining of their uterus during monthly cycle, which was earlier discarded off as sanitary waste. Menstrual blood stem cells possess the ability to repair and renew the building blocks of the body to which they belong.

The stem cells treatment given to me showed results. The pain is now gone as the deadly disease has successfully been put to an end. After mastectomy and tumor removal, my doctors are now using stem cells to reconstruct breast tissue. I am going to suggest the stem cells therapy to my friends who are also suffering from the same disease.

Donating Menstrual Blood for Stem Cell Research

Stem cells generally are collected from two sources. One is from adult tissues and the other from embryos. From the stem cells collected from embryonic stem cells almost any cell-type found in the human body can be obtained. But the different procedures can harm the embryo. Stem cells can be also preserved from umbilical cord blood but it can be collected only at birth. Collecting adult stem cells does not involve any ethical concern but its collection comprises a complicated process. Compared to collection of embryonic and adult stem cells collection stem cells from menstrual blood collection is quite easy. No ethical concern is related to this process and it is an alternative source that is readily available.

Menstrual blood stem cells collection procedures are neither unethical nor they cause any harm or pain to the woman donating blood. From a donor menstrual blood can be collected for over 35 years. Starting from the age of 12 years it can be donated till the donor is about 47 years old. Moreover stem cells from menstrual blood have many advantages compared to the ones collected from other sources. With embryonic stem cells one of the major problems is of immune rejection. Since the stem cells collected from menstrual blood of a donor is her own cells the chance of immune rejection does not arise.

At one time the idea of collecting stem cells involved controversies but with introduction of a new method the moral dilemma is solved. Both collection and the preservation of menstrual blood stem cells are easy. If you are interested in donating menstrual blood for stem cell research then first of all you have to get hold of a collection package that you would send to stem cell research labs for preservation.

So in order to collect your menstrual blood, simply follow some essential steps:

  • First of all bring or order a collection kit.

  • From the very moment you receive the collection kit, freeze the cooling packs that will come with the kit. Keep them frozen till you have collected the samples and is ready to send them back to the specified center.

  • To collect the menstrual blood you need to use the menstrual cup which you will find as part of the collection kit. To collect first of the two specimens this cup is to be left for three hours.

  • After three hours you have to take out the menstrual cup which should have at least a teaspoon of fluid. Now you need to carefully put the collected fluid in the vials of solution from the menstrual cup.

  • Once it is done before collecting the second specimen you need to put the first one under refrigeration.

  • Now for another three hours put another menstrual cup and you need to repeat the same process for collecting the fluid in the second vial. One of the vials will be used for storage purpose and other vial will be used to test infectious diseases.

  • When both the specimens have been collected, you have to remove the cooling packs and the first specimen from the freezer. Now you need to pack both the collected specimens of blood along with the cooling packs in the collection kit box.

  • Now your collection kit box is ready to be sent to the specified center packed in the courier box.

Sanitary blood turns fatal

Menstrual blood is one such type of blood, which is rich in stem cells. The stem cells are self renewing in nature. If the blood from a women’s body, which is thrown away a sanitary waste, is collected, preserved, it can be utilized to save millions of lives. These stem cells are used to cure more than 70 types on diseases. Cell therapies are curing the diseases in the best possible way. The cell that is found in all multi cellular organisms is called stem cells. These stem cells are of two kinds, they are embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. The specialty of the stem cells is that it renews the white blood cells. It renews itself as it has the capability to undergo numerous cycles of cell division.

The best form of stem cells is available in the menstrual blood. Stem cells are remarkable in nature. The main function of the stem cells is that it builds the bridge between the fertilized eggs which original exists and the architecture that we build. The menstrual blood was generally considered as a sanitary waste. But today different researches have shown that menstrual blood is more a waste. The blood is rich in stem cell, which can renew itself. As it can renew the white blood cells it can cure severe diseases too. Hence, it is better to store the menstrual blood for our own future. The blood cures diseases like leukemia, osteoporosis, spinal cord injury, strokes, burns, metabolic disorder and many more.

Stem cord supplies the cell that constructs the adult body. There have been few debates and controversies in using the stem cells between scientists and ethical groups. The usage of the stem cell technology is been opposed by the ethical groups as they say that it involves destruction of living human embryos. Moreover, scientists have proved that the menstrual blood rich in stem cells may be used for several diseases. The stem cells in the menstrual blood has the capability to replenish and renew worn out, damaged or even diseased tissues. The blood containing stem cells may be used to test few new drugs too. Stem cells are used to replace tissues and organs as well. Few diseases, which can be cured by stem cells, are acute leukemia, osteoporosis, spinal cord injury, strokes, burns, metabolic disorder and many more.

There has been few controversy is using the embryo stem cell by some ethical groups. This is because it uses the human embryo. But usage of the menstrual blood will not give rise to such complications. Recent researches will also allow preserving the menstrual blood for future use. The blood has not yet been tested to cure diseases. But it is surely to be used in the coming years. The menstrual blood is rich in stem cells which has a high capacity to renew the white blood cells. In the case of bone marrow the white blood cells need to be regenerated. Hence, the blood rich in stem cells helps to cure the disease.

The miracle of stem cells

The flexible tissue found in the hollow interior of the bone is called bone marrow. The marrow produces new blood cells. The marrow in human body constitutes 4% of the total body weight. The marrow stromal cells contain the stem cells, which are multipotent in nature. The various diseases involving the bone marrow are anemia, tuberculosis, leukemia and many more. In these different kinds of diseases, the only best remedy is to assist the patient with fresh stem cells. Recent researches have shown that the stem cells are produce wonders.

There are majorly three types of stem cells; they are Hematopoietic stem cells, Mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial stem cells. The Hematopoietic stem cells help to produce three types of blood cells, which help in circulation. They are white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. The Mesenchymal stem cells help to differentiate into osteoblasts, chondrocytes, myocytes and many more. They are often termed as the gate keeper of bone marrow. There has always been advanced researches, controversies over stem cells. Keeping aside all debates, it has been proved that the discovery of stem cells in medical science is one of the greatest medical discoveries in the century. Today scientists are work hard on stem cells to discover more advantages of the stem cells. Diseases like cancer and birth defects occur due to problems in the differentiation process. Hence stem cells help to cure such diseases. Apart from providing medical benefits stem cells helps in therapeutic cloning and regenerative medicines. It acts as a medicine for diseases like Parkinson’s diseases, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s diseases, Cancer, Spinal Cord injury, diabetes and many more. With the help of stem cells, few organs and limbs can be developed in labs and then used for transplantation. Many drugs are been tested on the stem cells and not on animals or human testers. Stem cells can detect the power of the drugs and assist to detect the effect of the same of humans. Stem cells have proved fatal in the study of abnormal birth.

The main area where the stem cells help mankind is its power to renew blood cells. Fatal diseases like bone marrow where the capability to regenerate the blood cells are lost, there the stem cells play a significant role. The blood containing high percentage of stem cell is rich in white blood cells and thus it helps in bone marrow transplantation. The embryonic stem cells help to develop into cell types of the body. It is believed that the study and the usage of stem cells would change the world of science. The capability to renew itself is very vital. Any kind of transplantation would mainly require the stem cells. To use the adult stem cells, which are not from the embryo, is a little difficult to work. Further the usage and development of the same may take few years.

There have been debates over the use of stem cells by few ethical groups. For the sake of mankind and for the development of science the research of stem cells is going on and it is proving fatal for all.

The therapy that changes life is Stem cell therapy

The undifferentiated cells, which can differentiate into specialized cell types, are called stem cells. Stem cells can be broadly divided into two parts, embryo stem cells and adult stem cells. Further, there are major three types of stem cells; they are Hematopoietic stem cells, Mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial stem cells. The main area where the stem cells help mankind is its power to renew blood cells. Fatal diseases like bone marrow where the capability to regenerate the blood cells are lost, there the stem cells play a significant role. Stem cell therapy involves injection of new stem cells in the body in order to kill the germs and to help generate new cells. Researchers believe that the Stem cell therapy will change the entire world of human science.

Lots of Stem cell therapies are at the experimental stage. It is to be mentioned that these Stem cell therapies are generally expensive in nature. The stem cell therapies have proved effective mainly for organs and tissue restoration. The stem cell therapies can cure fatal diseases like Parkinson’s diseases, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s diseases, Cancer, Spinal Cord injury, diabetes and many more. Recent Stem cell therapies have proved as a vital medicine for anti aging treatments. Stem cell therapy is popular since more than a decade now. The therapy is popular in countries like USA, Italy, Germany, Denmark, UAE, Egypt, Russia, Greece and many other countries. The treatment which involves Stem cell therapy is painless, though it might be a little cost effective. Stem cell therapy has a protocol maintain, a code of ethics is followed, it is free of infectious diseases, can be used by self or donors. There are few factors on which the Stem cell therapies depend. They are mainly, involvement of the immune system, age of the patient, weight of the patient, allergies to which the patient is prone, medication and clotting profile. Stem cell transplant involves mixing of the healthy stem cells into the body. A Stem cell transplant happens when the bone marrow doesn’t work or it stops producing healthy stem cells. Once the transplant takes place, the body may start producing enough white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. Stem cell therapies are capable to cure brain damages, cancer, spinal cord injury, heart damages and many more. In the coming year’s medical science will witness loads of invention based on stem cell therapies. The stem cells give rise to different cell type. Stem cells regenerate tissues for a lifetime. Due to its unique nature to generate mature cell type it is required for several fatal diseases. More likely, the disease of bone marrow transplantation requires the stem cells. The Stem cell therapies cure both cancerous and non cancerous patients. The treatment method is such that in a non cancerous case the dysfunctional marrow is destroyed with the most effective drugs. Then fresh set of stem cells are introduced in the body. On the other hand, in a cancerous case, we require to get rid of the bone marrow of cancer cells. Then healthy stem cells are transplanted, further normal cell production can resume.

Menstrual blood is no more a sanitary waste

The menstrual blood was generally considered as a sanitary waste. But today different researches have shown that menstrual blood is more a waste. The blood is rich in stem cell, which can renew itself. As it can renew the white blood cells, it can cure severe diseases too. Hence, it is better to store the menstrual blood for our own future. The blood cures diseases like leukemia, osteoporosis, spinal cord injury, strokes, burns, metabolic disorder and many more. Menstrual blood is one such type of blood, which is rich in stem cells. The stem cells are self renewing in nature. If the blood from a women’s body, which is thrown away a sanitary waste, is collected, preserved, it can be utilized to save millions of lives.

Today storing the menstrual blood is no longer a difficult task. Various health centers are providing facility to store the menstrual blood. A kit for the donor is provided to collect the menstrual blood. To store the blood for future use first you need to collect the collection package. The cooling packs are to be freeze the moment it arrives. The blood needs to be collected in the menstrual cup. A teaspoon of the fluid needs to be collected. Once the fluid is collected, it needs to be refrigerated. While the first sample to been freeze the second sample may be collected. Once the blood is collected is it send to the healthcare. The menstrual blood goes through the process of cryo preservation. The blood is stored in a way it retains the quality of the blood. A nominal amount is taken from the donor to store the menstrual blood. The amount is taken as it requires cost to store the menstrual blood. The cost to store the menstrual blood will fall down in the coming years. Scientists have said that the menstrual blood has not yet been tried on humans. But they have proved wonderful in laboratories and on animals. Hence, the future of the menstrual blood is very bright. It is sure to cure fatal diseases too. The waste is more considered to be sanitary. Science has proved that there is wonder in women every month. We were just unaware of the miracle that we use to throw away. Very recent menstrual blood banks will be established too. Neurological disorders are to be cured with the menstrual blood.

There will definitely be less of disorder in fatal diseases once the menstrual blood is tested on humans. The only reason to store the menstrual blood is because blood rich in stem cells can be collected in the most painless way. Initially there was a controversy in collecting the stem cells from the umbilical cord. It is believed that to preserve and use the menstrual blood will not give rise to any controversies. Despite of all controversies the idea to preserve and use the blood rich in stem cells is gaining support from scientists all over the world. Blood, which can cure fatal diseases, will have to use for the sake of humankind.