Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Now scientists will decide the fate of stem cell technology

Genome institute of Singapore (GIS) has collaborated with Cancer institute of Singapore (CSI) for a research. GIS is the institute of Science, Technology and Research. The GIS scientists studied how the body controls fate of stem cells by using a single communication system. This study was published in the journal named PLoS Genetics on 23rd of June 2011. The news was -a study opens new door for development of new techniques in the field of stem cell technology. Another interesting aspect of this study is the therapy will show results with very few side effects. This study was done by Dr Kian Leong Lee and his team of scientists.

Dr. Lee did this research on the signaling system that is how a single signaling system which is known as nodal or Activin pathway gives the signal to stem cells. He with his fellow scientists studied how on receiving these signals, stem cells decide which type of cells they should become. This nodal pathway in actual is capable to specify the wide range of cell types. In other words, it is a challenge to the perception of many individuals that chemical signal system is specific and can control limited outcome. The research has provided itself to be a leading step in the field of stem cell therapy and medical history.

The study will benefit the scientists in understanding how they can control the future of stem cells by modifying the cell chemical environment. This technique of controlling the differentiation of stem cells will avoid the modification of genetic make –up of a cell that might make the cell cancerous. Dr. Lee said that many of the scientists have this belief that protein and the chemical signaling system possess some specific functions. However, this study demonstrates that one signal can be modified giving different instructions.

The benefits of stem cells study would be that it will further pave the way for higher research and studies in the generation of cells and tissue repairing. It can be used in the personalized medicine in which stem cells taken from a single patient are manipulated for making other cell types that match genetically to the donor. Urban Lendahl is the vice-chairman and also professor of genetics at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden at the department of Cell and Molecular Biology. He has said that, “this study by Dr. Lee has truly given advanced findings that have added much to our knowledge regarding this field”.

It has made clear how the single signaling system can control the maintenance of stem cells and differentiation. The increase or decrease in the nodal signaling leads to exit of the state of stem cells in embryonic cells. Moreover, another finding that the pSmad2 can regulate the dissimilar gene sets at certain different levels of activin signaling gives new insight to the molecular regulation of the state of stem cells. It is taken to be a powerful and useful research that will be used to understand something more about the functioning of stem cells. Scientists are very pleased with this finding as now they own the fate of stem cells and can turn it into a useful direction.

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