Saturday, January 29, 2011

Remarkable benefits of adult stem cell treatments

For the past few decades, stem cell technology and stem cell research has been in the news for the prime reason for it being the topic of controversy and morally abhorrent research procedures conducted by researchers and scientists across the globe. Nevertheless, people should be aware of the different sorts of stem cell treatments and stem cell transplants which include adult stem cell therapy, umbilical cord, placenta and embryonic stem cell research.

In the near future, researchers and scientists will probably explore different other types of stem cell research and inevitably understand the diversity between them and the potentiality of each is essential for the prospects of medical intervention, treatments and accessibility to cutting edge clinical trials in coming years.

Benefits and uses of adult stem cell

Adult stem cell which is also termed as undifferentiated cells or multi-potent cells are capable of generating different types of blood cells. This indicates that these stem cells have not specially grown or developed into a specific sort of organ or tissue. Adult stem cells have the ability to renew themselves and develop and turn into any kind of specialized organ, tissue or cell. There are different types of these cells and some have the capability to differentiate or develop into specific sorts of stem cells, helping to replenish the injuries or damages caused to muscular tissue, nerve and brain tissue, cardiac tissue among others.

The prime function of adult stem cells is to repair tissues in the organs. These cells are also commonly termed as somatic stem cells based and defined on the types of their origin. Stem cell research have showed viable treatments and remedies for life threatening and debilitating symptoms and diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancer and restoration and repair of damages caused to cardiac muscles and tissues due to heart attacks, stroke, artery and coronary diseases. Recent improvements in the stem cell research have showed positive results by using stem cells in different sorts of therapy and treatments of leukemia, cardiac care as well as correcting vision.

Adult stem cells are most commonly utilized for bone marrow transplants, blood transfusions in treating diseases such as leukemia and other types of blood disorders and cancers. There are different uses of adult stem cells that can be easily obtained and provide endless potential for supply. These stem cells collected and preserved from the patients can be utilized for their own therapies and treatments. Adult stem cell research and development has showed promising results in curing some types of cancers and blood diseases. As adult stem cell research and treatments are not considered as unethical and morally incorrect, the ongoing discoveries make it even more popular all over the world.

Though stem cell research has been in the news for decades, thanks to the improved technology and advanced equipments, researchers have been able to make use of this stem cell technology to research development and potentially to treat several diseases. Stem cell therapy may be used to offer cure and rejuvenation for damage to tissues and repair spinal cord injuries and control heart disease among other beneficial usage of this powerful resource of healing and health of human body.

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